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Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
zzeLanss .-
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Dizzy :)
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_lcapSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_voting_barSomeone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? I_vote_rcap 
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 Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ?

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Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? Empty
PostSubject: Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ?   Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? EmptyMon Mar 21, 2011 10:28 pm

gw ga tau itu clan kita / bkn yang pasti dia pake tag "[Diveristy] kami" gw ga tau itu orng iseng / bkn. Pake cheatnya di idpl juga. Use SpeedHack + Wallhack + Aimbot

[Diversity] Kid's Prayer Smile

Ym : rxn_praz@yahoo.com


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Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ?   Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 2:22 am

Itu si "Kami" , kenal "Rudi" ??
dia juga sering pake nama "[Diversity] Kilersa". Sering pake nick yang bawa2 nama agama juga..
Dan dia bukan dari kami broo...

Hati2 juga, dia sering pake nick anak diver... dan ntah kenapa dia sering memakai nama kilersa, makanya skrg kilersa ganti menjadi [Diversity] Moonlight.

hahahaha.... cukup sekian..
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Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ?   Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? EmptyTue Mar 22, 2011 9:39 pm

iya gw uda tau itu anak bangsat suka pake" nick team kita ngerusuh aja anjeng tu anak emang..

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Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ?   Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? EmptyWed Mar 23, 2011 4:21 am

Mortstrength:) wrote:
iya gw uda tau itu anak bangsat suka pake" nick team kita ngerusuh aja anjeng tu anak emang..


Galak amat sih komennya????
Ntar coba ah gw pake nick boss, gw rusuh sana rusuh sini.. HUhauahuuahauaha....
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Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ?   Someone using a cheat in [Diveristy] or not ? Empty

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