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[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
zzeLanss .-
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
Dizzy :)
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_lcap[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_voting_bar[Diversity] Bubar kah ? I_vote_rcap 
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 [Diversity] Bubar kah ?

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[Diversity] Bubar kah ? Empty
PostSubject: [Diversity] Bubar kah ?   [Diversity] Bubar kah ? EmptyWed Apr 20, 2011 11:20 pm

lama kgk OL katanya [Diversity] Bubar ye ?
knp bs bubar gan ? Shocked Shocked Sad Sad Sad Sad
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[Diversity] Bubar kah ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Diversity] Bubar kah ?   [Diversity] Bubar kah ? EmptyFri Apr 22, 2011 10:58 am

acknowledged wrote:
lama kgk OL katanya [Diversity] Bubar ye ?
knp bs bubar gan ? Shocked Shocked Sad Sad Sad Sad

somehow gw sedih bgt. like losing a great thing in my life, good bye diversity... :"(
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[Diversity] Bubar kah ?
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