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Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
zzeLanss .-
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Dizzy :)
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
Rules in Joke Zone. I_vote_lcapRules in Joke Zone. I_voting_barRules in Joke Zone. I_vote_rcap 
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 Rules in Joke Zone.

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Posts : 528
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Rules in Joke Zone. Empty
PostSubject: Rules in Joke Zone.   Rules in Joke Zone. EmptyThu Feb 03, 2011 9:50 am


1. Haram menambah tag seperti ini di depan judul thread :
[text] - berisikan joke berupa tulisan
[pic] atau [comic] - berisikan joke berupa gambar
[vid] - berisikan joke berupa video

2. Dilarang Junk - Double Post - Out of Topic - SARA - Flaming

3. Dilarang posting joke berbau SARA / agama / rasis

4. Dilarang posting joke berupa gambar 17++ (harap menjaga etika) dan gunakan fasilitas sensor

5. Untuk joke text 17++ agar bahasa dijaga dan disensor sedikit agar tidak terlalu vulgar / porno

6.Untuk PERTAMAX,First blood,1st blood,etc diperbolehkan ASALKAN tidak one word post.
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