Mortstrength:) Administrator
Posts : 528 Points : 688 Reputation : 17 Join date : 2011-01-13 Age : 28 Location : [Diversity] MortstrengthDVRST!
| Subject: Thread Khusus Point Player Counter-Strike Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:55 am | |
| Pro : 300 Point Semipro : 200 Point Rookie : 0-199 Point Tourney Open : Juara 1 : 100 Point Juara 2 : 80 Point Juara 3 : 60 Point Tourney Semipro : Juara 1 : 80 Point Juara 2 : 60 Point Juara 3 : 40 Point Tourney Rookie : Juara 1 : 60 Point Juara 2 : 40 Point Juara 3 : 20 Point Banlist Only : List Point Pro: Ferdinand Putra "Imothed / Fer" Andrew Joseph Nonis "Kido" Paulus Wijaya"Pwj / Hitler" Grayson Sumarlin"Irradict / Gray" Edwin "Nextwins" "Azure/-one-" "godfreey" Reza Aditya"Kiva" "Squirell" "Mitsurugi" Vega "soifong" Pepen "kgnihton" Asiong "android" Toti "halimun" Chris "crypto" Nicholas "NicZ / Maestro" Rizal Patanroi"Wizardx" Richard "forged" Jonathan Armanda"assassin / Hazo.O" Laury Susilo"invadR / fin" Terry "Methasis" "Blank" Aseng "pavly" Rico "Astro" Bram "Boink" Adrian Kosasih"Lafrentz" Fido "bLa" "Carissa" "hideee" Raymond "reflect" Fijar "fjr" Untung "sNxtw" Ruly "mooN" "capsuLe" "NgangacoX" "shmilyy" Kelvin "1stlabel" Bayu "-by-" "edeN" "aure" "hlo" "aywing"
List Point Semipro : dream ballistc mistral tara ton triton ballack mortar versarc icewolf ichon mintzberg finnan troyy awek princemuse chiqlet xione- bluerain ruben sqL blur flux bz godlike war10ck onap Dalen Morgan zhybro bnTeT voogy noer GV pentagon
Another semipro inactive: Varian "xtriver" Edwin "Dryad" Soggy "Mishota" Martinus Husein"sawamura" Antony "bone / SEEZUNG" Bakti "beast" Jack "Nextjack" Hendrik Sanjaya "Hz" Kamto "Miketyson" Sammy "Chron" Carey "Virelis" Michael "mclainz" Itak "bigshow" Demmy "demm1" Alam "Natural" Tommy "morhazz" "Newrage" "robotnic" "miyu" "bonzie" "frost" "heat" Chris "omegis" Hendra "cehz" Akim "MIRVAY" Risky "Reezq" Ian "faye" Vebbie "PeaceMaker" Beny "benzz22" TBA "waffen" Richard "Doctor" Daniel "scrappy"
List Point Rookie : (TBA)
Last update: 1. WCG 2010,104620.0.html update Result : 1st : xcn (Fer, Kido, Grayson, nextwins, pwj) 2nd : DropZone (Azure/-one-, godfreey, Kiva, Squirell, Mitsurugi) 3rd : a5 (soifong, kgnihton, android, halimun, crypto)
2. 13th Tourney Challenger ~ GameStation @Di-Lo 21-22 Agustus 2010 : Pure Rookie,104738.0.html Result : 1st : NorN (sLicerr, cLove, prm, PRAS, Angga) 2nd : x2. (princemuse, fragn,wolf,dangpol,virgo) 3rd : RESTORAN SEDERHANA (dumber,sawyer,hidden,forlorn,boris)
3. MYT Tournament : Enjoy Your Teammates @ Digital Lounge (DILO) MOI,106112.0.html Result : 1st : Team 15 (CLOVE, THE PROFFESOR, PWLX, JASMINE, FUNORRR) 2nd : Team 7 (SMHILY, SPRAYPOINT, BILCA, DOGISTYLE, REFFELN) 3rd : Team 4 (WOLF, ADITYA MORTHEATRE, LEVRAMM, THE JACK, PIO)
4. 30-31 Oct '10 ~ 14th CS Tourney Challenger @Di-LO (MOI) : Level : Rookie,106856.0.html Result : 1st : QnetGaming (prm, clove, slicer, tanri, marpaung) 2nd : QnetGaming (prm, clove, slicer, tanri, marpaung) 3rd : teamwuzz (blackbox, flch, m3low, diajenksayang, ballack)
5. 6-7 November '10 Qualifier LA LIGHT Present Jakarta CS Rookie Tournament @Qnet,107567.0.html Result : 1st : norn (barker, cLove, tanri, snafu, sLiceR) 2nd : norn (barker, cLove, tanri, snafu, sLiceR) 3rd : xox (24'Bey, Funor, unrL, vLdRn, xnP)
6. 12-13 Nov '10 - 1st CS WUZZNET ROOKIE TOURNAMENT I,107034.225.html Result : 1st : Wuzz (wuzzballack , wuzzkbl , wuzzflch , wuzzxend , wuzzmthreel0w) 2nd : xOx (24'bey , benedict , SELANGKANGAN_KOBRA , Funor , fRag) 3rd : Wuzz (wuzzballack , wuzzkbl , wuzzflch , wuzzxend , wuzzmthreel0w)
7. GRAND FINAL SPEEDY SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP 2010,108184.50.html Result : 1st : xcn (Fer, ajn, Pau", nextwins, gray) 2nd : SR (fjr, suster, wizardx, 1stlabel, mirvay) 3rd : DZ (Mitsurugi, godfreey, Azure/-one-, Kiva, tba)
8. Qnet Jakarta(27-28 Nov) Counter strike 1.6 "GooD Mix GeT MaX Tournament Present,108271.0.html Result : 1st : TEAM FERALANT (soifong,Terry,omegis,cehz,dion) 2nd : TEAM NAVI (Bntet,voogy,zhybro,coji,pentagon) 3rd : TEAM NAVI (Bntet,voogy,zhybro,coji,pentagon)
9. The nxl> CHOSEN LEAGUE III #1 Famous #2 NN #3 nxl>,107605.75.html Result : 1st : Famous - Bekasi (carissa, shmily, ballistc, capsule, nganga) 2nd : NN - Jakarta (ztnerfal, astro, hideee, june, blaaa) 3rd : nxl> - Jakarta (frgd, methasis, assasin, zhybro, voogy)
10.,109146.50.html Result : 1st : Nuevo (TBA) 2nd : Dreamer (Edu,Mecin Itng, Lal,Tba) 3rd : Dreamer (Edu,Mecin Itng, Lal,Tba)
Banlist Pendaftar Tourney : (TBA) (Nick di bwh kena ban buat teamnya & ga bs ikut tourney" brikutnya yg gw adain)
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Berdasarkan prestasi" para player 2-3 tahun terakhir (klo ada yg kurang, tolong dikasih tau, takutnya lupa) | |