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Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
zzeLanss .-
Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
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Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_lcapThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_voting_barThread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney I_vote_rcap 
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 Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney

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Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney Empty
PostSubject: Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney   Thread Khusus Point Player CS + Banlist Pendaftar Tourney EmptyTue Jan 18, 2011 2:56 am

Banlist Pendaftar Tourney : (TBA)
(Nick di bwh kena ban buat teamnya & ga bs ikut tourney" brikutnya yg gw adain)

Pro : 300 Point
Semipro : 200 Point
Rookie : 0-199 Point

Perolehan Point :
Note : Point tanding dihitung mulai 8 besar

Tourney Open :
Juara 1 : 100 Point
Juara 2 : 80 Point
Juara 3 : 60 Point

Tourney Semipro :
Juara 1 : 80 Point
Juara 2 : 60 Point
Juara 3 : 40 Point

Tourney Rookie :
Juara 1 : 60 Point
Juara 2 : 40 Point
Juara 3 : 20 Point

Tourney Mix : (Example : 1 pro + 4 rookie, 2 pro + 3 rookie, or other mix player)
Juara 1 : 60 Point
Juara 2 : 40 Point
Juara 3 : 20 Point

NB : Tourney tanpa hasil jelas di LG --> +20 Point buat yg juara 1, 2 dan 3

List Point Pro:
1. Fer (xcN) (798 Point)
2. Kido (xcN) (604 Point)
3. NicZ (xcN) (1253 Point)
4. Grayson (xcN) (1225 Point)
5. wzx (Assaulter) (1493 Point)
6. frgd (nxl>) (654 Point)
7. sawamura (nxl>) (359 Point)
8. nextwins (xcN) (894 Point)
9. nextjack (nxl>) (634 Point)
10. newrage (nxl>) (554 Point)
11. -one- (DropZone) (500 Point)
12. mitsurugi (DropZone) (580 Point)
13. robotnic (DropZone) (400 Point)
14. aseng (DropZone) (500 Point)
15. miyu (DropZone) (300 Point)
16. godfreey (DropZone) (300 Point)
17. xtriver (xcN) (300 Point)
18. astRo (Assaulter) (808 Point)
19. carisa (famous) (668 Point)
20. hideee (Assaulter) (744 Point)
21. bla (Assaulter) (968 Point)
22. boink (Assaulter) (924 Point)
23. Lafrentz (Assaulter) (868 Point)
24. bonzie (SR.IzeRo.ScY) (604 Point)
25. pwj (xcN) (959 Point)
26. reflect (SR.IzeRo.ScY) (977 Point)
27. Hazo.O (nxl>) (495 Point)
28. fjr (SR.IzeRo.ScY) (400 point)
29. sNxtw (SR.IzeRo.ScY)(400 point)
30. frost (SR.IzeRo.ScY) (500 Point)
31. mooN (Famous) (440 Point)
32. capsule (Famous) (724 Point)
33. NgangacoX (Famous) (540 Point)
34. Kiva (540 Point)
35. soifong (a5) (620 Point)
36. kgnihton (a5) (500 Point)
37. android (a5) (500 Point)
38. halimun (a5) (620 Point)
39. crypto (a5) (500 Point)
40. heat (300 Point)
41. shmilyy (380 Point)
42. omegis (460 Point)
43. cehz (320 Point)
44. MIRVAY (320 Point)

List Point Semipro (Team):
1. Mousewanted (200 Point)

List Point Semipro (Player):
1. Dryad (210 Point)
2. mishota (200 Point)
3. invadR (200 Point)
4. waffen (200 Point)
5. reezq (200 Point)
6. ballistc (260 Point)
7 mistral (200 Point)
8 -by- (SGO) (200 Point)
9 edeN (SGO) (200 Point)
10 aure (SGO) (200 Point)
11. hlo (SGO) (200 Point)
12. aywing (SGO) (200 Point)
13. prm (BIG) (200 Point)
14. tara (BIG) (200 Point)
15. hector (BIG) (200 Point)
16. mussolini (BIG) (200 Point)
17. ton (EXR) (200 Point)
18. triton (EXR) (200 Point)
19. ballack (EXR) (200 Point)
20. mortar (200 Point)
21. versarc (EXR) (200 Point)
22. beast (200 Point)
23. ichon (240 Point)
24. mintzberg (Godz) (200 Point)
25. ben22 (200 Point)
26. scrappy (200 Point)
27. finnan (200 Point)
28. troyy (220 Point)
29. awek (220 Point)
30. princemuse (220 Point)
31. chiqlet (200 Point)
32. xione- (200 Point)
33. bluerain (IVS) (220 Point)
34. faye (200 Point)
35. funor (IVS) (200 Point)
36. audi (IVS) (200 Point)
37. ruben (IVS) (200 Point)
38. plus (200 Point)
39. destroy (200 Point)
40. poi (200 Point)
41. raditzzz (200 Point)
42. morbid (200 Point)
43. berserker (200 Point)
44. arthur (200 Point)
45. s|Lverster (200 Point)
46. soov (200 Point)
47. sqL (200 Point)
48. blur (200 Point)
49. flux (200 Point)
50. bz (200 Point)
51. godlike (200 Point)
52. war10ck (200 Point)
53. rozz (200 Point)
54. blank (200 Point)
55. methasis (200 Point)
56. nessie (280 Point)
57. magicson (260 Point)
58. Squirell (Authentic[R]) (240 Point)
59. icewolf (Authentic[R]) (240 Point)
60. onap (260 Point)
61. 1stlabel (280 Point)
62. Dalen Morgan (240 Point)
63. zhybro (200 Point)
64. bnTeT (200 Point)
65. voogy (200 Point)
66. noer GV (200 Point)
67. pentagon (200 Point)

Another semipro inactive:

List Point Rookie : (Per-team, dan player yg sudah termasuk team itu apabila keluar team tetep pointnya sama)
1. xox (irm*, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA) (155 Point)
2. mousewanted (TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA) (44 Point)
3. Next (TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA, TBA) (26 Point)
4. TNG (Frienze / Edi,Hae / Arifin,Kaz / Hendi,Njie* / Chris) (60 Point)
5. GodZ (kupo, marwan, beny, marshanda,solaria,satan) (80 Point)
6. Authentic[R]:Xyberkurochan,Root,Blade,BlowyourBrain (100 Point), d.b(60Point)
7. anazakuro < morti fubar coffey fixer (40 Point)
8. Team SIbuk (hidden, hacker, basgol, dumber, ?) (60 Point)
9. Sbux Gaming (vanilla, caramel, cappucino, latte, chococarm) (40 Point)
10. AW (rofl, birrrr, singuinss, oreeh) (20 Point)
11. Team Dream (60 Point)
12. Team Primz (40 Point)
13. Team WLMecin (20 Point)
14. FX.RE (ZGL, KabaL., ronan, Jeal, JiLT, Rain, dy., Allent[Azz1]) (160 Point), wolf (120 Point)
15. RadioWAR: birrr, montana, opal, heero, rofl (40 Point)
16. AW: hae-, firenze, WARGEN, kazEEE (20 Point)
17. fighterbadboy fx (heero, montana, mek0ls) (120 Point)
18. AW (david guetta, extreme, hungryy, [m]sixer) (20 Point)
19. BACOT (melon,mek0ls,win,rofll,heero) (20 Point)
20. iww (logi, natshuba, clarisse, dede, robert) (40 Point)

Contoh : (1. Team blabla (anggota-1, anggota-2, anggota-3, anggota-4, anggota-5) (Point ...))

List Point Rookie Per-Player :
1. dream (100 Point)
2. Vroger (120 Point)
3. muscacilious (80 Point)
4. maverick (80 Point)
5. RAMSTER (60 Point)
6. MARBTHZ (60 Point)
7. akakei (70 Point)
8. slicer (70 Point)
9. pom2 (60 Point)
10. kupo (40 Point)
11. Mar (40 Point)
12. sawyer (100 Point)
13. dumber (100 Point)
14. riq (20 Point)
15. fr!sk (30 Point)
16. tractor (20 Point)
17. Barker (20 Point)
18. Aurelli (20 Point)
19. bly (60 Point)
20. -zip- (140 Point)
21. Adrie (10 Point)
22. ipoliz (10 Point)
23. cLove (10 Point)
24. Tegar (10 Point)
25. Angga (10 Point)
26. imbar (10 Point)
List Point Rookie yg telah keluar dari team :
Contoh : (1. blablabla (ex Team aaa) (Point ...))

Lineup nanti segera dimasukkan kalau datanya uda ditangan.

Kalo ada yg nicknya beda tapi sama orang, langsung aja gabungin pointnya.

Last update :
1. CS:9th Tourney Challenger @GameSphere:Rookie:Jumat-Minggu 28-30 Agustus'09 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=88864.0 Point Update
2. XSIZ 10th Tourney present "How XSIZ are u" Tanggal 5 dan 6 September 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=90756.0 Point Update
3. nxtlvlgaming MAKEITHAPPEN II 12.13.Sept.2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=89976.0 Point Update
4. Sanctuary Old School Tournament 25-27 September 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=90565.0 Point Update
5. zOOmnet "make progress and show your skill" Semipro VS Rookie 03-04 Oktober 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=92033.0 Point Update
6. REUNION GAME CENTER 1'st TOURNEY "SHOW YOUR TEAM ! ! ! 17-18 OKT OPEN 4 ALL" http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=92675.0 Point Update
7. XSIZ 11th ROOKIE TURNEY "PREPARE FOR WCG 2009" LAST DAY PENDAFTARAN ROOOKIE!! Tanggal 31 Oktober - 1 November 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=93470.0 Point Update
8. 2ND COUNTER STRIKE 1.6 TOURNAMENT ROOKIE @ PRIMA WARNET 20 Nopember - 22 Nopember 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=92597.0 Point Update
9. GET THE CHALLENGE I Counter-Strike 1.6 Tournament Semipro vs Rookie @ QNET CAFE Jumat - Minggu , 27-29 November 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=92991.0 Point Update
10. GET THE CHALLENGE II Counter-Strike 1.6 Tournament OPEN@QNET Jumat - Minggu , 11-13 Desember 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=94717.0 Point Update
11. Speedy Games Championship La Piazza 18 - 19 desember 2009 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=95220.0 Point Update
12. "THE NEW CHAPTER" Counter Strike 1.6 Rookie (15-17 Januari 2010) http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=97191.125 Point Update
13. Speedy Games Championship Paris Van Java, Bandung 23 - 24 Januari 2010 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=96333.0 Point Update
14. " HOW PROGRESS ARE YOU "Counter Strike 1.6 Tournament " SEMIPRO vs ROOKIE " (6-7 Februari 2010) http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=96577.0 Point Update
15. [BIG] Beginner CS 1.6 Tournament 1st Edition 20-21 Februari 2010 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=97128.0 Point Update
16. 27-28 Februari 2010 2nd Tourney challenger at MPSCYBER CS 1.6 2nd Tourney Challenger at MPSCYBER : PRO VS ROOKIE http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=98674.325 Point Update
17. (te.Q) SEMIPRO vs ROOKIE team CS 1.6 Tournament 1st Edition Sabtu, 13 maret 2010 Minggu, 14 maret 2010 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=100104.0 Point Update
18. SIERA NET PRESENT:: SIERA GAMING ROOKIE TOURNAMENT COUNTER STRIKE (27-28 Maret 2010) http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=100743.25 Point Update
19. 10-11 April 2010 CS 1.6 10th Tourney Challenger at Qnet : Semipro & Rookie http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=100272.0 Point Update
20. Digital Lounge CS 1.6 Tournament (Rookie & Open) (24-25 April 2010) http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=101834.0 Point Update
21. THE CHAPTER II Counter Strike 1.6 Rookie 8-9 Mei 2010 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=102383.150 Point Update
22. 21-23 Mei 2010 ESWC 2010 Digital Lounge CS 1.6 http://ligagame.com/lg_smf/index.php?topic=103107.0 Point Update
23. CS 1.6 11th Tourney Challenger at SPHERE Digital Lounge Mall Of Indonesia : Rookie http://www.ligagame.com/forum/index.php?topic=102434.0 Point Update
24. [SURABAYA]-Speedy Games Championship 12 Juni - 13 Juni 2010 http://www.ligagame.com/forum/index.php/topic,100249.0.html TBA
25. Speedy Games Championship @ MEDAN 29 Juli 2010 - 1 Agustus 2010 http://www.ligagame.com/forum/index.php/topic,103509.0.html TBA
26. nxl> chosen league 19 - 20 June 2010 http://www.ligagame.com/forum/index.php/topic,103794.0.html TBA
27. CS 1.6 12th Tourney Challenger at SPHERE Di-LO @MOI 3-4 Juli 2010 http://www.ligagame.com/forum/index.php/topic,103580.0.html Point Update
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